Year Ahead Timeline Reading

Take a look into your current timeline’s future.

Are you willing?

With the Year ahead Timeline Reading you will have a look into what influences are pulling the strings in your life.

Will you be played like a fiddle or will you break free?

Is it your attitude?

Is someone else controlling the tone in your life?

Is it a limiting belief?

Is it your unconsciousness?

Depending on your perspective these influences can be working with you or against your efforts within the next year.

It is most beneficial to understand and to engage consciously with your life.

It is mastery when you have the “cheat code”.

Allow Goddess OPAL to assist you in walking an intentional path, a path of exaltation and balance so that you can enjoy the greatness that is here for you.

Your reading will consist of:

🖤 audio recording of everything revealed during your session along with guidance by Goddess OPAL

🖤 an interactive workbook for you to incorporate the guidance given and track your progress

🖤 writing prompts to assist you in uncovering any old behavior patterns that do not serve you

🖤 Two 21 day Mantras to read in order to program your subconscious

🖤 Rituals to assist in supporting you on your journey (if required)

🖤 and the option to add a 1-on-1 30min session with Goddess OPAL to answer any questions you may have after listening to your Year ahead Timeline audio recording